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Circle Jerks

Circle Jerks
Zenei irányzat: Keressük!
Albumok: 0 db
Megtekintve: Ma 0, összesen 2514 alkalommal

Circle Jerks dalszövegek (70 db):

15 Minutes hun

86'd (Good As Gone) hun

All Wound Up video

American Way

American/ video

Another Broken Heart For Snake

Anxious Boy hun

Back Against The Wall hun video

Bad Words video

Beat Me Senseless video

Behind The Door hun video

Beverly Hills hun video


Career Day

Casualty Vampires hun video

Coup d' état video

Defamation Innuendo hun video

Deny Everything hun video

Don't Care hun video

Exhaust Breath



Forced Labor

Fortunate Son video

Golden Shower Of Hits (Jerks On 45) video

Gray Life hun video

Group Sex hun

High Price On Our Heads video

I Just Want Some Skank hun video

I Wanna Destroy You video

I'm Alive! hun

I&I hun video

In your eyes hun video

Junk Mail video

Karma Stew

Killing for Jesus hun video

Leave me alone! hun video

Letter Bomb hun video

Live Fast, Die Young hun video

Living hun video

Making the Bombs hun video

Meet the press hun

Moral Majority hun video

Mrs. Jones video

Murder The Disturbed hun

Operation hun video

Paid Vacation hun video

Patty's Killing Mel

Political Stu

Product Of My Environment

Put a little love in your heart hun video

Question Authority hun video

Rats Of Reality

Red Blanket Room video

Red Tape hun video

Shining Through The Door hun

Sinking Ship

Stars and Stripes hun video

Status Clinger

Teenage Electric video

Tell me why? hun

The Crowd hun video

Trapped hun video

Under the Gun hun video

Wasted hun video

What's your problem? hun video

When The Shit Hits The Fan video

Wild in the streets hun

Wonderful video

World Up My Ass hun video

Hozzászólás írásához kérjük jelentkezz be!

Zeneszöveg hozzászólások

szemetesvödör Hozzászólás ideje: 2009-03-29 16:09:04

Utolsó bejelentkezés:
2014-03-10 08:04:49

Véleménye a(z) "Circle Jerks" előadóról:

Szerintem kurva jó ez az együttes! :) Circle Jerks!!! : )

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