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David Guetta & Afrojack feat. Niles Mason - Louder than words video

Album: nincs kép
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Megtekintve: Ma 0, összesen 6278 alkalommal



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I can hear your thoughts
Like footsteps in the dark
The pain stirs in your voice
Cuts like daggers to my heart

Don't you be afraid
Baby, I am here
Stop running from love
Baby, don't you fear

'Cause it's louder /3x/
So much louder than words
Baby, it's louder /3x/
So much louder than words

'Cause it's louder /3x/
So much louder than words
Baby, it's louder /3x/
So much louder than words

Play the simple game
With all your broken rules
I'm calling out your name
But my heart you still refuse

Don't you be afraid
Baby, I am here
Stop running from love
Baby, don't you fear

'Cause it's louder /3x/
So much louder than words
Baby, it's louder /3x/
So much louder than words

'Cause it's louder /3x/
So much louder than words
Baby, it's louder /3x/
So much louder than words
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