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Milk & Sugar vs Yava Con Dios - Hey (Nah Neh Nah) video

Album: nincs kép
Szövegírók: Keressük a szövegírót!
Zeneszerzők: Keressük a zeneszerzőt!
Kiadó: Keressük!
Stílus: Keressük!
Címkék: Keressük!
Megtekintve: Ma 0, összesen 1733 alkalommal



Pontszám: 0


I got on the phone and called the girls said
on the phone and called the girls said
Ney Nah Neh Nah
(Ney Nah Neh Nah)

In my high-heeled shoes and fancy fads
In my high-heeled shoes and fancy fads and
Ney Nah Neh Nah
(Ney Nah Neh Nah)

I got on the phone and called the girls said
on the phone and called the girls said
Ney Nah Neh Nah
(Ney Nah Neh Nah)

In my high-heeled shoes and fancy fads
In my high-heeled shoes and fancy fads and
Ney Nah Neh Nah
(Ney Nah Neh Nah)

I got on the phone and called the girls said
on the phone and called the girls said
Ney Nah Neh Nah
(Ney Nah Neh Nah)

In my high-heeled shoes and fancy fads
In my high-heeled shoes and fancy fads and
Ney Nah Neh Nah
(Ney Nah Neh Nah)

oh Ney Nah Neh Nah
(Ney Nah Neh Nah)
Nah Neh Nah….

I got on the phone and called the girls said
on the phone and called the girls said
Ney Nah Neh Nah
(Ney Nah Neh Nah)

In my high-heeled shoes and fancy fads
In my high-heeled shoes and fancy fads and
Ney Nah Neh Nah
(Ney Nah Neh Nah)
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