Rod Stewart - Blue Moon video

Rod Stewart - Stardust...
Előadó: Rod Stewart
Album: Stardust...
Megjelenés: 2004
Hossz: 04:05
Szövegírók: Lorenz Hart
Zeneszerzők: Richard Rodgers
Kiadó: Keressük!
Stílus: Traditional pop
Címkék: feldolgozás [+]
Megtekintve: Ma 0, összesen 1317 alkalommal




Pontszám: -


(feat. Eric Clapton)

Blue moon
You saw me standing alone
Without a dream in my heart
Without a love of my own
Blue moon
You know just what I was there for
You heard me saying a prayer for
Someone I really could care for

And then there suddenly appeared before me
The only one my arms will hold
I heard somebody whisper please adore me
And when I looked to the moon it turned to gold

Blue moon
Now I'm no longer alone
Without a dream in my heart
Without a love of my own

And then there suddenly appeared before me
The only one my arms will ever hold
I heard somebody whisper please adore me
And when I looked the moon had turned to gold

Blue moon
Now I'm no longer alone
Without a dream in my heart
Without a love of my own

Blue moon
Now I'm no longer alone
Without a dream in my heart
Without a love of my own
Eredeti: Mel Tormé - Blue Moon
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