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Leann Rimes - One Day Too Long video

Leann Rimes - Family
Előadó: Leann Rimes
Album: Family
Megjelenés: 2007
Hossz: 3:39
Szövegírók: Leann Rimes
Dean Sheremet
Darrell Brown
Zeneszerzők: Leann Rimes
Dean Sheremet
Darrell Brown
Kiadó: Curb Records
Stílus: Country pop, R&B, Southern soul
Címkék: Keressük!
Megtekintve: Ma 0, összesen 709 alkalommal



Pontszám: 0


You been gone
You been gone
You been gone one day
one day to long

I'm the kind of woman who understands
How the road can be so hard on a traveling man
I don't mind giving you a little room to breathe
Then you go and take advantage of my generosity
I'm home, waiting
Alone, aching
Your times run out cause
Yesterday this love could have been saved
Just crawl back out ain't no way

You been gone
You been gone
You been gone one day
One day too long

You know, I ain't a once in a while kind of thang
You see, love is being here for each other
Even with you standing right here, right now
right in front of my face
You're still looking right through me
Well, let me clear something up for you honey

I called you up
Told you I was
Missing, needing
To be soothed by you
Keep your reasons
I'm done pleasing
Ain't it funny now
I'm leaving, and your the one who's being left behind
God sent me a man who will give me my time

You been gone
You been gone
You been gone one day
One day too long
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