Pink - Waiting For Love video

Pink - Try This
Előadó: Pink
Album: Try This
Megjelenés: 2003
Hossz: 5:28
Szövegírók: Linda Perry
Zeneszerzők: Linda Perry
Kiadó: Arista
Stílus: Pop Rock
Címkék: Keressük!
Megtekintve: Ma 0, összesen 7044 alkalommal



Pontszám: 0


She looks to the sun
Help her to carry on
Breaking down all the years
Wondering how she got here
She drifts through the sky
Counting the reasons why
How my life turned so fast
Remembering all of the past

All the changes, and all the mistakes
Foolishly laughing at things that
Words that she says

She looks to the stars
Breaking, time to follow the heart
Her world is falling apart

And the turning of every new page
A book on a shelf that is there to remain
Breaking the walls as she's tearing them down
As she is starting to drown

She's waiting for love
She's waiting, waiting for love
Waiting, waiting for love
She's waiting, waiting so long

She prays to the Gods
Telling how she needs someone
Help me find where I am today
Life is looking very grey

All the changes, all the mistakes
Foolishly laughing at things that
Everything that she says

She's waiting for love
She's waiting, waiting for love
Waiting, waiting for love
She's waiting, waiting so long

I'm waiting for a new day to rise
Conversations to make sense to me and my mind
I need someone to lift me right off of my feet
And I want it, and I need it, and I'll leave it all behind

And all the changes I've made
And I remember the words, that you'll never say

She's waiting for love
She's waiting, waiting for love
Waiting, waiting for love
She's waiting, waiting so long

She's waiting for love
She's waiting, waiting for love
Waiting, waiting for love
She's waiting, waiting so long

She's waiting for love
She's waiting, waiting for love
Waiting, waiting for love
She's waiting, waiting so long

She looks to the sun
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