Sabaton - The Lost Battalion video

Album: nincs kép
Előadó: Sabaton
Album: Keressük!
Szövegírók: Joakim Brodén
Pär Sundström
Zeneszerzők: Joakim Brodén
Kiadó: Keressük!
Stílus: Heavy Metál
Címkék: Sabaton, The Last Stand [+]
Megtekintve: Ma 0, összesen 915 alkalommal



Pontszám: 0


Far from their land as they made their stand
They stood strong and the legend still lives on

1918 the great war rages on
A battalion is lost in Argonne
Under fire there's nothing they can do
There's no way, they can get a message through
Suffer heavy losses as the battle carries on
Liberty division standing strong

Far from their land as they made their stand
A disregarded demand
It's surrender or die and the stakes are high
They live or they die, there's no time for goodbye
Weapon in hand, they made their stand
Still disregarding demand
They would never comply, they would rather die
Broke through the blockade, they were finally saved

Friendly fire munitions running low
The supplies, they were dropped upon their foe
1918 the war still rages on
The battalion still trapped in the Argonne
Chose not to surrender, they chose victory or defeat
Fallen brothers resting by their feet

Far from their land as they made their stand
A disregarded demand
It's surrender or die and the stakes are high
They live or they die, there's no time for goodbye
Weapon in hand, they made their stand
Still disregarding demand
They would never comply, they would rather die
Broke through the blockade, they were finally saved

Far from their land as they made their stand
A disregarded demand
It's surrender or die and the stakes are high
Live or die, who cal tell there's no goodbye
With weapon in hand, they made their stand
Still disregarding demand
They would never comply, they would rather die
They stood strong and the legend still lives on

Suffered heavy losses through the great war they stood strong
But the memory of the fallen still lives on

Far from their land as they made their stand
A disregarded demand
It's surrender or die and the stakes are high
They live or they die, there's no time for goodbye
Weapon in hand, they made their stand
Still disregarding demand
They would never comply, they would rather die
Broke through the blockade, they were finally saved
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